
Vasiliev generating system of higher-spin equations allowing to reconstruct nonlinear vertices of field equations for higher-spin gauge fields contains a free complex parameter eta . Solving the generating system order by order one obtains physical vertices proportional to various powers of eta and {bar{eta }}. Recently eta ^2 and {bar{eta }}^2 vertices in the zero-form sector were presented in Didenko et al. (JHEP 2012:184, 2020) in the Z-dominated form implying their spin-locality by virtue of Z-dominance Lemma of Gelfond and Vasiliev (Phys. Lett. B 786:180, 2018). However the vertex of Didenko et al. (2020) had the form of a sum of spin-local terms dependent on the auxiliary spinor variable Z in the theory modulo so-called Z-dominated terms, providing a sort of existence theorem rather than explicit form of the vertex. The aim of this paper is to elaborate an approach allowing to systematically account for the effect of Z-dominated terms on the final Z-independent form of the vertex needed for any practical analysis. Namely, in this paper we obtain explicit Z-independent spin-local form for the vertex varUpsilon ^{eta eta }_{omega CCC} for its omega CCC-ordered part where omega and C denote gauge one-form and field strength zero-form higher-spin fields valued in an arbitrary associative algebra in which case the order of product factors in the vertex matters. The developed formalism is based on the Generalized Triangle identity derived in the paper and is applicable to all other orderings of the fields in the vertex.


  • A useful way of description of HS dynamics is provided by the generating Vasiliev system of HS equations [13]

  • Η2 and η2 vertices in the zero-form sector were presented in Didenko et al (JHEP 2012:184, 2020) in the Z -dominated form implying their spin-locality by virtue of Z -dominance Lemma of Gelfond and Vasiliev

  • In this paper we obtain explicit Z independent spin-local form for the vertex ΥωηCηCC for its ωCCC-ordered part where ω and C denote gauge one-form and field strength zero-form higher-spin fields valued in an arbitrary associative algebra in which case the order of product factors in the vertex matters

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Generating equations

Spin-s HS fields are encoded in two generating functions, namely, the space-time one-form. T = 0, it cannot contribute to the Z -independent answer which is the content of Z -dominance Lemma [15] This just means that functions of the class H0+ cannot contribute to the Z -independent equations (1.3). Application of this fact to locality is straightforward once this is shown that all terms containing infinite towers of higher derivatives in the vertices of interest belong to H0+ and, do not contribute to HS equations. This is what was in particular shown in [14]

Main result ΥωηCη CC
To z-linear pre-exponentials
Generalised triangle identity
10 Final step of calculation
10.1 Degree-four pre-exponential
10.2 Degree-six pre-exponential
11 Conclusion
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