
As a follow-up to pilot observations that six manic patients who failed to respond to unilateral electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) recovered rapidly when switched to bilateral treatment, a retrospective study was conducted. Twenty-five patients who responded after switchover from unilateral to bilateral ECT, 25 age- and sex-matched controls, and 25 concurrent controls who responded to right unilateral ECT alone were evaluated. Demographic variables and DSM-III diagnosis did not discriminate between the groups, nor were they different in terms of electroencephalographic (EEG) findings, neuropsychological test results, numbers of ECT, and duration of seizure discharges. Standard assessments of psychopathology performed by independent psychiatrists showed no differences in ratings of psychosis or depressive phenomena. However, scales assessing manic symptoms showed highly significant differences with many more features of unrestrained behavior, elevated mood, hurried speech, and other typical features of mania in the patients who were switched from unilateral to bilateral ECT. Although there were no differences in prescribed drugs, the use of prn medications for sleep was greater in the experimental-switched patients than in controls. Patients who responded to unilateral ECT alone exhibited virtually no manic features, whereas those who demonstrated these characteristics failed to respond to unilateral ECT but benefited when switched to bilateral treatment.

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