
IntroductionPhytobezoars are a very rare cause of large bowel obstruction. Mango seeds as a phytobezoar causing large bowel obstruction have not been reported in the English literature. Presentation of caseWe present the case of a 69 years old female who presented to us with clinical and radiological signs of acute large bowel obstruction. On laparotomy, it was noted that mango seeds as a phytobezoar was responsible for the obstruction in the descending colon. DiscussionPhytobezoars are a rare but known cause of small bowel obstruction. Large bowel obstruction is even rarer. The literature has documented a few cases of small bowel obstruction caused by mango seeds but none for large bowel obstruction. The most frequent reported sites of large bowel obstruction are the sigmoid colon and recto-sigmoid junction. However, phytobezoar causing descending colonic obstruction without any pre-existing underlying pathology has not been reported. ConclusionThe association of bezoar with acute large bowel obstruction is a very rare however; it must be entertained in the differential diagnosis of any large bowel obstruction. Early diagnosis and treatment can avoid lethal complications. Our case being the first case of mango seeds phytobezoar in descending colon with acute large bowel obstruction; signifies its importance for reporting in the English literature.

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