
The manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) ala16val polymorphism has been associated with various diseases including breast cancer. In the present study, we investigated levels of MnSOD protein, enzymatic activity, and mRNA with respect to MnSOD genotype in several human breast carcinoma cell lines and in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF), developed from the MnSOD knockout mouse, stably expressing human MnSOD-ala and MnSOD-val. In human breast cell lines, the MnSOD-ala allele was associated with increased levels of MnSOD protein and MnSOD protein per unit mRNA. In the MEF transformants, MnSOD activity correlated fairly well with MnSOD protein levels. MnSOD mRNA expression was significantly lower in MnSOD-ala versus MnSOD-val lines. MnSOD protein and activity levels were not related to MnSOD genotype in the transformed MEF, although, as observed in the human breast cell lines, the MEF human MnSOD-ala lines produced significantly more human MnSOD protein per unit mRNA than the human MnSOD-val lines. This suggests that there is more efficient production of MnSOD-ala protein compared to MnSOD-val protein. Examination of several indicators of reactive oxygen species levels, including superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, in wild-type MEF and in MEF expressing similar elevated amounts of MnSOD-ala or val activity did not show differences related to the levels of MnSOD protein expression. In conclusion, in both human breast carcinoma cell lines and MEF cell lines stably transfected with human MnSOD, the MnSOD-ala allele was associated with increased production of MnSOD protein per unit mRNA indicating a possible imbalance in MnSOD protein production from the MnSOD-val mRNA.

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