
<p>Being one of Earth´s most redox-active elements, manganese participates in a great variety of environmental processes and is recognized as a key player controlling carbon turnover and oxidative transformation of organic and inorganic pollutants in soils. Moreover, Mn(III), Mn(IV) or mixed-valence Mn(III/IV) oxides and (oxy)hydroxides are highly effective sorbents for metal pollutants and nutrients in soils. Chemical reactivity, mobility, and bioavailability of Mn depend crucially on its speciation (chemical form). Yet, speciation studies on soil Mn are scarce. Therefore, we employed Mn K-edge (6,539 eV) X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) to determine the oxidation states and local coordination environment (<5 Å) of Mn in oxic bulk soils (Cambisols, Luvisols, Stagnosol) from various field sites in Germany. Our XAS analyses cover 23 soil L, O, A, B, and C horizons exhibiting total Mn concentrations of between 200 and 2,300 mg/kg. For comparison, we also analyze a suite of 31 Mn reference compounds, including Mn carbonate, phosphate, oxides and (oxy)hydroxides, silicates, organic Mn compounds as well as clay and hydroxide minerals with adsorbed Mn(II). X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra are evaluated for the oxidation states of soil Mn using linear combination fit (LCF) analysis. In addition, the average local coordination environment of Mn in the soil samples is assessed by shell-fitting of extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra. Based on our XAS results, we will test the following hypotheses: (1) Soil L/O horizons comprise predominantly organically complexed Mn(II) and Mn(III), dominated by the former Mn species; (2) soil A horizons are dominated by Mn(III/IV) in Mn(III/IV)-oxide structures owing to high microbial activity, release of Mn(II) from primary silicates and/or plant residues, and its subsequent (a)biotic oxidation and precipitation as Mn(III/IV) oxides; (3) soil B horizons of different genesis differ in their bulk Mn speciation; Bt horizons of Luvisols are dominated by Mn(II) associated with phyllosilicates, whereas the Stagnosol Bg horizon is dominated by layer-type Mn(III/IV) oxides. In summary, our study will provide first comprehensive data on bulk Mn speciation in three major European soil types. This knowledge is a prerequisite for a better understanding of the biogeochemical Mn cycle in soils.</p>

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