
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of three integral management treatments on orchards at high densities on vigor, vegetative growth, flowering, yield, season of harvest, and fruit size of ‘Ataulfo’ mango. In a mango ‘Ataulfo’ orchard was selected under irrigation with high plantation density, three different integrated management treatments were applied. Each treatment included pruning (light and moderate) irrigation (application or suspension), fertilization (at specific phenological stage), foliar applications of nitrates or urea (to promote vegetative growth and flowering) and Paclobutrazol applied to the soil. The results showed that the three integral management packages showed benefits in diverse aspects: tree size was reduced; the flowering and yield was about for 30 days earlier than control trees; this performance allow us to get better prices when the harvest was obtained out of normal production time. The yield in the three treatments was higher than the control trees during 2007 and 2008. Cumulative yield of two harvests in the control trees was 75.65 kg·tree-1, while in the packages was among 149.40 and 163.59 kg. The average fruit weight was not affected by the treatment. The best package to be recommended is the number one, because it had the highest cumulative yield and it was the cheapest one.

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