
Anahtar Kelimeler: Norovaskular sistem, Pulpa. Kalitimsal bir etken olmadigi durumlarda dis dokularinda herhangi bir patolojinin meydana gelmeyecegi bilinmektedir. Ayrica dislerin normal dokusal yapilarina etki eden bir takim dissal faktorlerin rolu oldugu arastirmacilar tarafindan dogrulanmistir. Norovaskulcr sistemin orofarangial matriks elemanlarindan biri oldugu alt ve ust cenenin translativ ve trasformativ gelisim ve buyumelerine etki ettigi arastirmacilar tarafindan belirtilmistir. Arastirmamizin amaci norovaskuler sistemin mandibular kanaldan cikartilmasi halinde dislerin pulpalarinda ne gibi degisikliklerin olacaginin saptanmasidir. Arastirmada ayni agirlikta 10 haftalik uc sut kopegi kullanilmistir. Deney hayvanlarinda genel anestezi altinda calisilmistir. Her deney hayvaninin mandibulasinin sag veya sol tarafindaki mandibular kanalindan norovaskuler sistem tek tarafli olarak cikartilmis ve diger taraf kontrol icin birakilmistir. Tum deney hayvanlarinin operasyonlari tek seansta bitirilmistir. Operasyonlardan 7 ay sonra yapilan klinik ve radyolojik kontrollerde, operasyon yapilan tarafta sut dislerinin dustugu daimi dislerin surmedigi, operasyon yapilmayan tarafta ise sut dislerinin dustugu daimi dislerin surdugu gozlenmistir. Bunun uzerine 7 ay daha beklenilmis ve durumun degismedigi saptanmistir. Operasyon yapilmayan taraftaki surmus olan daimi dislerden alinan kesitlerde pulpanin tamamen normal oldugu saptanmistir. Operasyon yapilan ve cene kemigi icinde gomulu kalan dislerden alinan kesitlerde ise pulpanin canliligini muhafaza ettigi ve odontoblastlarin oryantasyonlarinin bozulmadigi dikkati cekmistir. Key words: Nonvascular System, Pulp. It is known that a pathology can not occur without a hereditery reason. Also, It was proved that some intrensic and extrensic factors play a role on normal structures of the teeth. The studies on this matter showed that neurovascular system was one of the elements of the oropharyngeal matrix and effected the translative and trasformative development and growth of the upper and lawer jaws. The aim of this study was to investigate if there was any alteration on the pulp tissues of the teeth in case of removing the neurovascular system. The same-weighted, 10 weeks old 3 puppies were used in this study. Using the general anesthesia, the neurovascular system was removed out of the mandibular canal on one side of the mandible and the other side was considered as the control on each puppy. All of the puppies were operated in single session. After 7 months from the operation, with both clinical and radiographical controls. It was observed that the decidious teeth were subjected to the resorption and permanent teeth unerupted on the experimental side, however, the decidious teeth were subjected to the resoption and permanent teeth erupted on the control side. Following this observation we waited for 7 months more, but we noticed that the results were not changed. By examining the cross sectioned specimens of the erupted permanent teeth on the control side, It was seen that pulps were normal Pulp was still vital and orientation the odontoblasts was not spoiled on the specimens of the impacted permanent teeth taken from the mandible on the experimental side.

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