
<p>Abstract: PARENTING PROGRAM MANAGEMENT OF RECITING-WRITING<br />AL-QUR'AN WITH YANBU'A METHOD FOR PARENTS IN KINDERGARTEN<br />NURUL HIKMAH TONJONG DISTRICT REGENCY OF BREBES. This research<br />is a field research using qualitative research approach aimed to get<br />description about parenting program management process of reciting and<br />writing al-Qur'an with Yanbu'a method to parents in kindergarten Nurul<br />Hikmah Tonjong Sub-district of Brebes Regency. The result of this research<br />shows that parenting program management of reciting and writing Al-<br />Qur’an for parents with Yanbu'a method in Nurul Hikmah kindergarten is<br />done through four processes. First, develop a parenting program plan, that<br />is by setting goals and benefits to be achieved and formulate the schedule<br />of activities and disseminate it to parents and teachers. Second, organizing<br />activities by assigning tasks and responsibilities of parties related to<br />parenting program activities. Third, carry out parenting program<br />activities in accordance with the schedule by utilizing various existing<br />resources and create a climate of parenting activities full of familiarity<br />MANAJEMEN PROGRAM PARENTING BIMBINGAN…<br />224<br />between the facilitator and participants. Fourth, controlling parenting<br />program activities by monitoring periodically using participant<br />observation techniques.</p>

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