
SMEs Sidole 986 Coffe Powder UKM Sidole 986 is one of the businesses engaged in the agro-industry 
 that utilizes Robusta coffe bean as the main raw material. This study aims to determine how much economic 
 raw material purchases (EOQ) for raw material supplies in the SMEs Sidole 986, to find out how much safety 
 stock is in the, SMEs Sidole 986 to find out when is the right time for the SMEs Sidole 986 to do so. reorder 
 (ROP) for raw material inventory, and to find out the total cost of raw material inventory (TIC) in the SMEs
 Sidole 986. The results of this study indicate that the management of raw material inventory in the SMEs Sidole 
 986 using the (Economic Order Quantity) method in July-December 2021 an average of 42,02 kg. Safety stock 
 of raw materials which is always available at SME Sidole 986 is 22,84 kg. Reorder Points that must be made 
 by the SMEs Sidole 986 in July-December 2021 an average of 127,12 kg. The total cost of the raw material 
 inventory coffe powder carried out in the SMEs Sidole 986 is an average of Rp. 75.824,74.

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