
Character education management is an effort made by the government and implemented in school institutions to change the behavior of students into noble morals. Character education is pursued by developing the potential and interests and talents of students in full so that the achievement of educational goals is achieved starting from the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. But the fact is that character education at school has not been effective. The purpose of this research is to find out the policies, programs, implementation, coordination, control, obstacles encountered, the noble character of students as a result of character education. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The sample was determined purposively by setting a sample of school principals, vice principals, subject teachers, Bk students. Data collection techniques were obtained through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The theory used by G.R Terry's theory of management is also Thomas Lickona about character education and Al-Ghazali about Morals. The findings of this study are: Character education policies that exist in schools contained in a pocket book / code of conduct even though it has not been fully socialized well despite the socialization efforts have been made. The character education program is already running but has not been carried out optimally according to the needs of the interests and talents of the students. Implementation has been carried out by schools but is still not optimal in utilizing existing resources, Coordination shows that it has not been effective between the coordination partners and the school even though efforts have been made, Control has been implemented but is still not effective because it is still hampered by infrastructure and human resources suggestions. Constraints faced come from the family, community, school, human resources, association, the media, the swift flow of globalization and lack of supervision from parents. The results of character education show that some students have behaved well, such as protecting the environment, achieving achievements, speaking politely.

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