
Covid-19 has caused many people to lose family members, jobs, businesses so that many are experiencing mental health problems. Majelis taklim for housewives is a suggestion to study knowledge, increase faith, and get guidance in fostering a family which is considered the right place to socialize mental health. This study aims to design mental health preaching for majelis taklim. The research method is descriptive qualitative, data obtained from literature, field observations and interviews. The results of the study show that a good da'wah design must pay attention to planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling. The process of planning mental health da'wah at the majelis taklim is determined by the curriculum used which is produced by combining the material listed in the 2012 majelis taklim syllabus which was the output of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, the material needed by Muslim congregations, the evaluation results of the previous year's majelis taklim activities as well as input from ustadz/ustadzah. In the organizing process, the majelis taklim must coordinate with the Mosque Prosperity Council so that activities are effective and efficient. In the implementation process, paying attention to teacher and congregation schedules must be prioritized. In the supervision process, input from the Mosque and congregation Supervisory Board can be used as an evaluation for further implementationbstracts are written in Indonesian, a maximum of 200 words, made in one paragraph, and may not include abbreviations, citations, tables, images and trademarks. Abstract is the essence of the contents of the article that is poured in solid.

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