
Background: To ensure optimum flock fertility in the subsequent breeding season, it is important to ensure that ewes are in good health following weaning. Drafting (the period between weaning and tupping where ewes are sorted for culling) is a key time in the flock year to ensure only the most productive ewes are retained for breeding. Identifying health issues soon after weaning allows time for recovery, or for replacements to be sourced if necessary. Postweaning is also often an important time for the identification of underlying endemic diseases within a flock – the stress of pregnancy and lactation may exacerbate clinical signs and guide the clinician towards the requirement for diagnostic investigations.Aim of the article: This article, the second in a two‐part series on managing weaning issues in lambs and ewes, provides information about common health conditions that can be identified in the postweaning period which could affect subsequent reproductive performance of ewes. Examination of culling data of ewes can provide practitioners with information about the health of the flock and potential underlying health conditions to investigate. Information regarding how to investigate these conditions is also presented. Part one of this series, which was published in the January/February issue of In Practice (Forster and Falder 2024), focused on the common issues encountered by both ewes and lambs at weaning time and how to minimise these problems.

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