
Discuss the evolution of mentorship models in surgical training and how educating the surgical trainees with the concepts from "manage up" theory can empower them to maximize the benefits afforded by mentoring relationships. "Manage up" theory is derived from the business world where the subordinate takes ownership of the mentoring relationship with their superior by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of both parties and applying that information in managing a productive relationship. Surgery residency programs implement a variety of structured and unstructured mentorship programs to promote mentoring relationships and to encourage professional development. Mentees in successful mentoring relationships demonstrate characteristics and skills that residency programs can promote through formal training. Components of "manage up" theory can be applied by surgical trainees in approaching their mentors and in managing their mentor-mentee relationships. The benefits gained from a successful mentoring relationship for both the mentor and the mentee depend on active roles played by both parties. Strong evidence supports the need for educating mentees through formal curricula to empower them to assume an active role in their mentoring relationships.

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