
Purpose: the purpose of the research is to design concept of management system for agro-industrial clusters as self-organizing systems. The transition to new technological way was marked not only by breakthrough solutions in the organization of production of goods, works and services, but also by the emergence of new (in some cases unique) forms of inter-firm cooperation and interaction of economic agents in the real and financial sector of the economy. The concept of becomes the most important in economic research, and moreover - from practical point of view, modern digitalization technologies in managing the activities of economic entities form new information and communication platforms for economic and scientific exchange. The penetration of digital technologies into life is one of the characteristic features of the future world. Not an exception is the agro-industrial sector, which is both strategically important for ensuring food security and has high export potential. The article presents the concept of managing the development of agro-industrial clusters as self-organizing systems capable of integrating the activities of small and medium-sized businesses into the value-added chain based on modern information technologies. The obligatory and providing tools, mechanisms for implementing the concept, aimed at eliminating existing problems on the way of forming agro-industrial clusters, are disclosed. Methods: the agro-industrial management model is developed using the methods of economic analysis and synthesis, and functional modelling. Results: conceptual model of development management is presented to be used for the nascent clusters and the development of existing agro-industrial clusters. Conclusions and Relevance : as result of the conducted research the reasons interfering development of approach in the agroindustrial sector of economy are defined. Among them the main are: lack of relevant strategy of agrarian and industrial complex, imperfection of methodology of formation of clusters and lack of motives of consolidation of subjects of small and medium business in this sphere; backwardness of production, logistic and innovative infrastructure; and also the low level of commercialization of scientific research in the agro-industrial sector. As one of the measures capable to refract similar negative situation, development of the concept of management of agro-industrial clusters formed on the basis of an information system of a digital cluster which includes algorithms and methods of optimization of information, material and financial flows for achievement of desirable indicators of economic activity by all participants of structure is recommended. At the conceptual level mechanisms and instruments of management of development of agro-industrial clusters are also offered.


  • Results: conceptual model of cluster development management is presented to be used for the nascent clusters and the development of existing agro-industrial clusters

  • As one of the measures capable to refract a similar negative situation, development of the concept of management of agro-industrial clusters formed on the basis of an information system of "a digital cluster" which includes algorithms and methods of optimization of information, material and financial flows for achievement of desirable indicators of economic activity by all participants of cluster structure is recommended

  • Формирование цифровой экономики в России: сущность, особенности, техническая нормализация, проблемы развития // Научно-технические ведомости СПбГПУ

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Управление развитием агропромышленных кластеров

Дмитрий Вадимович Завьялов 1, Ольга Витальевна Сагинова 2, Надежда Борисовна Завьялова 3. Цель: Разработка концепции управления развитием агропромышленных кластеров как самоорганизующихся систем. В статье представлена концепция управления развитием агропромышленных кластеров как самоорганизующихся систем, способных интегрировать деятельность малого и среднего предпринимательства в цепочку создания добавленной стоимости на основе современных информационных технологий. Представлена концептуальная модель цифрового кластера как основного инструмента взаимодействия субъектов кластерных образований, разработана концептуальная модель управления развитием кластеров как самоорганизующихся систем, рекомендуемая для практического применения. В качестве одной из мер, способных преломить подобную негативную ситуацию, рекомендована разработка концепции управления агропромышленными кластерами, формируемой на основе информационной системы «цифрового кластера», которая включает в себя алгоритмы и методы оптимизации информационных, материальных и финансовых потоков для достижения всеми участниками кластерной структуры желаемых показателей хозяйственной деятельности. На концептуальном уровне также предложены механизмы и инструменты управления развитием агропромышленных кластеров.

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