
Experience with development of engine control software using a graphic design language is presented. The Bendix integrated software development environment centers around an internally developed graphic design language, the Bendix Orthogonal Graphics System (BOGS). BOGS graphics are used to specify every software function, including program flow, and are automatically processed to generate deliverable code. Additional software tools aid in testing and documenting the engine control software. Many software tools are developed in-house, with the benefits of faster response on tool changes and tools better matched to user needs. BOGS is shown to aid in creating structured, modular, readable software that is efficient. The same BOGS language and supporting tools can be used to specify all engine control software designs, independent of target language or CPU. Bendix engine control software designs have common architectural features that support real time control and testing. Self-test functions are common between projects. PC-based software test stations are used to achieve real time software testing on the target CPU at the developer's desk. Speed of execution of tools has improved dramatically as they were rehosted on PC-compatible machines and rewritten to take maximum advantage of the PC capabilities.

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