
Topicality. The topicality lies in the actual �importance increase� of the development of the fleet and ports, which in turn requires certain efforts both on the part of ports and fleets, and at the macroeconomic level. In turn, this kind of development is an indispensable criterion that creates positive consequences regarding the commercial status and efficiency of any of the shipping companies. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to develop and determine methods of achieving a stable level of functioning by activities. Merchant shipping forms two statuses of functional activity, one of which boils down to solving standard tasks of entrepreneurial efficiency, and the other one forms ensuring the stability of international economic relations together with the formation of an effect of emergence. Research results. The essence of the development of categories of management and direct management of a particular industry affects the formation of the value of capital assets of sea transport enterprises and the degree of their efficiency. The variability of the parameters of the maritime trade market predetermines the difficulty of achieving a normalized financial condition of shipping companies and commercial ports on the terms of shipping. As for anti-crisis companies, transportation management takes into account the prevention of internal and external regional problems and ensuring that there are no shortcomings, which must be accordingly minimized. All of these operations are closely related to general economic rates and transportation from the point of origin to destination. The positive side of the effect of emergence is one of the main criteria for increasing the activity of ports or a shipping company. This effect, however, is based on many different factors, including the development strategy of the next company, which, in turn, generates certain costs that the consumer must cover in order to remain the company efficient and profitable at the same time. Conclusion. The variability of the marginal market parameters predetermines the difficulty of achieving a normalized financial condition of shipping companies and commercial ports under the appropriate conditions of shipment. In turn, depending on the complexity of achieving a certain financial position of the shipping company, its final efficiency depends both on international relations connected to transportation and on the requirements of transportation, influencing the formation of the stability of international economic activity.


  • Морське торговельне судноплавство формує два типи функціональної діяльності, один з яких зводиться до вирішення стандартних завдань підприємницької ефективності, а інший формує забезпечення стійкості міжнародних економічних відносин з одночасним формуванням емерджентного ефекту

  • І головне, в залежності від складності досягнення певного фінансового становища судноплавної компанії, її кінцева ефективність залежить від міжнародних відносин та вимог до транспортування, і впливає на формування стійкості міжнародної економічної діяльності

  • The topicality lies in the actual “importance increase” of the development of the fleet and ports, which in turn requires certain efforts both on the part of ports and fleets, and at the macroeconomic level

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Мінливість параметрів ринку морської торгівлі зумовлює складність досягнення нормалізованого фінансового стану судноплавних компаній і торгових портів на умовах судноплавства. Мінливість граничних ринкових параметрів зумовлює складність досягнення нормованого фінансового стану судноплавних компаній і торгових портів при відповідних умовах відвантаження. The positive side of the effect of emergence is one of the main criteria for increasing the activity of ports or a shipping company This effect, is based on many different factors, including the development strategy of the company, which, in turn, generates certain costs that the consumer must cover in order to remain the company efficient and profitable at the same time

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