
More than 2.5 million ha of Eucalyptus globulus are now planted across the globe including approximately 500 000 ha in southern Australia. In this region average annual rainfall has declined since 1960 and this trend is predicted to continue in the coming decades. E. globulus is a premium species for paper manufacture and grows well under moderate seasonal water stress. The traits that underpin this rapid early growth also make the species vulnerable to prolonged water stress. We established nitrogen rate and nitrogen-by-stocking experiments in five 2-year-old E. globulus plantations along a climatic gradient in south-western Australia. We measured volume growth, predawn leaf water potential and leaf area index over 7 years or until the plantations were 9 years old. These data were used to explore the relationship between growth and water stress, to understand the mechanistic basis for the relationship and to identify best-bet management strategies for E. globulus plantations in southern Australia. Nearly all of the variation in volume growth rate between sites could be explained by a combination of climate wetness index and soil depth. There was a significant growth response to nitrogen at two low rainfall and one high rainfall site. There was no growth response to nitrogen on sites where total soil nitrogen in the top 0.1 m of soil was more than 1.9 mg g −1 and a very rapid increase in relative growth response below this threshold. The observed growth response to nitrogen was associated with an increase in water stress and on at least one site increased mortality. Matching the supply of nutrients to demand will maximise the growth at any site but this may increase the risk of drought death at water-limited sites. This will be exacerbated if forecasted changes in the climate of southern Australia are realised. Thinning to 600 stems ha −1 significantly reduced the level of water stress experienced by E. globulus in Western Australia without significantly affecting end of rotation stand volume compared to unthinned stands. These results indicate that for a range of sites in south-western Australia a final stocking density of 600 stems ha −1 coupled with application of fertiliser to maximise growth will minimise risk without sacrificing any of the site potential.

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