
Tourism is a multifaceted phenomenon and geographically complex, which moves millions of people worldwide and with a predominant contribution to the economy. The tourism is a psychological state of understanding and interest. Therefore, in a perspective of internal marketing, the focus is the study of the tourism and corporate motivation, through voyages in Team Building. The aims is to realize the link between tourism and Team Building for companies that seek the motivation of workers through touristic activities. So, considering the state of the art is analyzing internal marketing and Team Building activities, realizing its importance and the outcome these travels have on workers. The study requirements result in a qualitative study through exploratory interviews, in order to perceive with companies what their motivations are to resort to Team Building and what they think of these activities. This study presents preliminary conclusions, through the realization of interviews with human resources in 5 companies from different areas, corresponding to two large companies, two medium-sized enterprises and a small business. This study will focus on internal marketing, human resources management and tourism through Team Building activities. This advance will help to better understand the behavior and profile of companies that consume Team Building activities, to understand whether these tourist activities are motivating workers, and consequently, they help in business development and success.

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