
Purpose: the aim of this article is to present the role of diversity management in the organization’s development process by indicating the benefits and threats of implementing this concept.
 Method: a research method used was a case study. Also, good practices in the field of diversity management, used by “X” company operating in the robotics industry, were analyzed. The company’s diversity management strategy was examined as well, and it was found that an inclusive culture is an important determinant of its business success.
 The results of the study: the idea of diversity management is to build an open and inclusive work environment, the space of mutual respect in which employees have the opportunity to fulfill their own potential for the success of the entire company.
 Theoretical implications: an appropriate diversity management strategy could help the organization to identify areas of diversity and will result in higher staff efficiency. Diversity management is an important element of corporate social responsibility.
 Практична цінність дослідження: Diversity, which refers to all differences among people (ethnic, cultural, linguistic, ideological), is now more important than ever. Just as biodiversity gives the ecosystem strength and resilience, employee diversity contributes to building an integral work environment, and thereby it strengthens the organization. Companies with greater diversity are more creative, dynamic, flexible, and they understand the needs of the market better.
 Value: this article examines whether employee diversity management has a positive impact on the company’s development, and whether it generates innovation, efficiency, and better economic results for the organization.
 Papertype: theoretical.

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