
The management of people’s attitude towards the environment in today’s world has become an issue of global concern as it has been identified as the only way out to achieving a clean, safe and healthy environment. This study examined the waste situation presently in Port Harcourt as well as the constraints to environmental management in Port Harcourt and it was reported that most people have adopted wrong attitudes that impacts on the environment knowingly or unknowingly and hence these overtime have become a way of life that have overtime crept into the society as a lifestyle not minding its attending consequences and as a result puts a limitation to managing environmental challenges. The study also examined environmental and health implications of poor attitudes to waste management and it was discovered that arising from poor attitudes to the environment, the quality of the environment has deteriorated and that this have helped in increasing the spread of communicable diseases among residents and also flooding and other environmental challenges. The study however stated that poor air quality affect human health through adverse health conditions which affects the gastrointestinal linings, respiratory tract diseases and other ill health. Arising from the study enlightenment campaign for all at schools, churches, communities and Local Government levels, adoption and integration of environmental education into the present day school curriculum at all levels and the enforcement of environmental laws on indiscriminate waste disposal will serve as a panacea for effective waste management in Port Harcourt.

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