
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Information The Continuing Professional Education (CPE) quiz for this article is available for free to Academy members through the MyCDRGo app (available for iOS and Android devices) and through www.jandonline.org (click on “CPE” in the menu and then “Academy Journal CPE Articles”). Log in with your Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics or Commission on Dietetic Registration username and password, click “Journal Article Quiz” on the next page, then click the “Additional Journal CPE quizzes” button to view a list of available quizzes. Non-members may take CPE quizzes by sending a request to [email protected] There is a fee of $45 per quiz (includes quiz and copy of article) for non-member Journal CPE. CPE quizzes are valid for 1 year after the issue date in which the articles are published. Bullying behavior in the workplace refers to persistent and deliberate actions that result in the control or harm of a target. According to a survey commissioned by the Workplace Bullying Institute, nearly 20% of Americans have suffered abusive conduct at work, and just as many individuals have witnessed this disruptive behavior happening to others. 1 Namie G. 2017 Workplace Bullying Institute: U.S. Workplace Bullying Survey. https://workplacebullying.org/multi/pdf/2017/2017-WBI-US-Survey.pdfDate accessed: April 16, 2019 Google Scholar The consequences of workplace bullying for both victims and witnesses are significant and may include increased mental health distress and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. 2 Rapaport L. Workplace bullying tied to higher risk of heart problems Reuters Health News. November 19, 2018. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-heart-bullying/workplace-bullying-and-violence-tied-to-higher-risk-of-heart-problems-idUSKCN1NO2HVDate accessed: April 16, 2019 Google Scholar The Continuing Professional Education (CPE) quiz for this article is available for free to Academy members through the MyCDRGo app (available for iOS and Android devices) and through www.jandonline.org (click on “CPE” in the menu and then “Academy Journal CPE Articles”). Log in with your Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics or Commission on Dietetic Registration username and password, click “Journal Article Quiz” on the next page, then click the “Additional Journal CPE quizzes” button to view a list of available quizzes. Non-members may take CPE quizzes by sending a request to [email protected] There is a fee of $45 per quiz (includes quiz and copy of article) for non-member Journal CPE. CPE quizzes are valid for 1 year after the issue date in which the articles are published. T. Peregrin is an editor and writer for a Chicago-based medical association and a freelance writer in Chicago, IL.

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