
ABSTRACT. The study of management research of the educational system of performance in winter sports in Harghita County presents a spreadsheet situation for an Olympic cycle period with medal results for winter sports – biathlon, ice hockey, figure skating, cross-country skiing. The goal of the research consists in identifying the most valuable results in the given sport through SWOT analysis. The hypothesis of the research starts out from the presupposition that through a sport management analysis based on a progress rate, according to the evolution during the Olympic cycle, there can be chosen from the CSS M-Ciuc young athletes who can reach the III-IV stage of training at national and international performance level. We believe that on the basis of results, through the use of a specially proposed, age-adapted training program optimal high level performance can be reached. We propose a SWOT analysis for every winter sport apart in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses within the activity of organizational structures, as well as opportunities and the causes that threaten from the outside the activity conducted by the managers of the ISJ Harghita.

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