
This article uses the corporate social responsibility score released by Runling Global to conduct a regression analysis on the relationship between fulfilling social responsibility and enhancing brand value of China's 500 companies, as published by the World Brand Laboratory. The proportion of female managers and the proportion of managers with overseas experience are selected from the characteristics of managers as moderating variables to study the moderating effect of moderating variables on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and brand value enhancement. Research has found that fulfilling social responsibility by enterprises has a significant positive impact on brand value enhancement,state owned enterprises fulfilling social responsibility have a significant impact on brand value enhancement, while non-state-owned enterprises fulfilling social responsibility have no significant impact on brand value enhancement;the proportion of female managers in management has a significant positive moderating effect on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and brand value,in state-owned enterprises, the proportion of women in managers has a positive moderating effect on the impact of corporate social responsibility on brand value , in non-state-owned enterprises, this moderating effect is not obvious; managers with overseas experience have a significant positive moderating effect on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and brand value, the moderating effect of managers having overseas experience is significant in non-state-owned enterprises, but not significant in state-owned enterprises.

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