
Non-profit organizations are increasingly gaining importance in the modern economy with their development and their numbers increasing day by day. It is very important to note that non-profit organizations are often subject to various benefits that the for-profit companies are not. Thus, for example, preferential tax status of non-profit organizations is manifested primarily in the form of exemption from corporate income tax. In addition, private non-profit organizations enjoy various other state, local and federal taxes exemptions. Under certain conditions, these organizations are exempt from taxes on donations and membership fees. A feature that differentiates various non-profit organizations and profit-oriented companies is their source of income. Profit oriented companies depend on their income, obtained from sales of their goods or services to customers, who usually cover the price and cost of goods and services plus the profit. In contrast, nonprofit organizations are very dependent on membership fees, tax exemptions, members donations or depend on funds of the sponsoring agency which covers most of their costs, for example a federal government agency. Those non-profit organizations that have substantial operating costs beyond national borders and do not identify themselves as purely domestic in their mandate are International non-profit organizations. Most non-profit organizations remain in their national boundaries, on the territory of the country in which they were created, but a large number of non-profit organizations rapidly internationalize, and some larger non-profits have grown into important global actors. The paper includes the following sections: (1) introduction, (2) why is the 'non-profit' important, (3) the internationalization of non-profit organizations, (4) sources of income of non-profit organizations (4.1.) causality of impact and of strategic decisions in cases pertaining to universities, (5) the limits of strategic management impact on non-profit organizations (6) management trends in non-profit organizations, and (7) conclusion.


  • Most non-profit organizations remain in their national boundaries, on the territory of the country in which they were created, but a large number of non-profit organizations rapidly internationalize, and some larger non-profits have grown into important global actors

  • Svi ovi Univerziteti su korisnici posebne klauzule američkog Ustava, koji izričito izuzima imovinu univerziteta od plaćanja poreza, sve dok se imovina koristi u edukativne svrhe

  • Jedan od posebnih segmenata okoline koji predstavljaju izazov i problem za menadžment međunarodnih neprofitnih organizacija je i sociokulturna okolina, koju čine četiri važne dimenzije: demografska struktura i promene, vrednosti i verovanja ljudi, stavovi prema radu i drugim važnim pitanjima, te obrazovanje stanovništva

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Neprofitni sektor jedne ekonomije važan je iz više razloga. Prvo, društvu su potrebna neka javna dobra i usluge koje kompanije koje stvaraju profit ne mogu ili neće da obezbeđuju 2. Osnovni razlog zašto je neprofitni sektor važan jeste tendencija da privatne neprofitne organizacije dobiju od društva beneficije kakve privatne profitne kompanije ne mogu. Sve ove beneficije su im odobrene zato što su privatne neprofitne organizacije uglavnom uslužne, a od njih se očekuje da višak prihoda u odnosu na rashode (višak, a ne profit) koriste za poboljšanje usluga ili smanjenje njihove cene. Univezitet Stanford: Osnovni cilj stanfordskih studija je da sa njih izađu diplomci sa znanjem koje će omogućiti da postanu menadžeri visokog ranga, efikasni i profesionalni[8 http://www.stanford.edu/about/history/]. Univerzitet Hardvard: Osnovni cilj hardvardskog NBA programa je da pripremi studente za preuzimanje odgovornosti koje podrazumeva položaj menadžera visokog ranga. Koledž Dartmont: Glavni cilj MBA programa je da proizvede diplomce koji imaju motivaciju, sposobnost i obrazovanje da efikasno funkcionišu kao menadžeri visokog ranga [14]. Svi ovi Univerziteti su korisnici posebne klauzule američkog Ustava, koji izričito izuzima imovinu univerziteta od plaćanja poreza, sve dok se imovina koristi u edukativne svrhe

Uticaj ograničenja na strategijski menadžment neprofitnih organizacija
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