
Damaging infestation levels of Celama sorghiella (Riley) were avoided by early planting of sorghum. Sorghum planted by Apr. 1 and flowering before June 20 in the Coastal Bend of Texas, and sorghum planted by Apr. 10 and flowering before July 1 in south-central Texas escaped damaging infestations of sorghum webworm. Sorghum panicle type (open vs. compact) ratings and sorghum webworm infestation levels were positively correlated (r2 = 0.8). Data showed that as sorghum panicles increase in compactness, sorghum webworm densities also increase. There was no positive correlation between sorghum webworm infestation levels and seed endosperm type or panicle size. Also, no association was apparent between egg deposition and panicle type within 6 days of panicle exertion; webworm mortality was high by the 10th day after 50% flower. Germ plasm resistant to sorghum web worm was difficult to identify, but differences in infestation levels indicated possible resistant sources.

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