
This paper presents a tool that uses techniques of Business Intelligence (BI) and Learning Analytics (LA) to assist the Distance Education managers (EAD) in monitoring the actions of both students and teachers/tutors in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Moodle. The tool provides analytical and consolidated reports on all the responsibility rooms of a certain teacher/tutor, and dashboards, with the vision of the students and the teacher/tutor, thus allowing a better management in virtual learning environments as AVA Moodle Learning Analytics offers some features, however, the views refer to rooms, resources or specific participants, making it difficult to interpret, making it laborious process management. The use of this tool by EaD managers allows faults to be corrected during the process of teaching and learning and helps the decisions to be taken concerning the people related to the process in reference to teachers, tutors that should be reliable and assertive, as they are an integral and very important part of this process of teaching and learning.

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