
In an effort to realize better performance of government organizations in providing services to the community, implementing strategic management for public sector organizations is very important to increase performance effectiveness. After the change in form from a Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) to a Regional Public Company (Perumda), the Tirta Medal Sumedang drinking water company was very active in making management improvements. Especially when this company was assessed by the Sumedang Regency DPRD in 2019 as having experienced mismanagement, resulting in losses of up to billions of rupiah. This research aims to understand the application of strategic management in realizing the performance of public sector organizations in Sumedang Regency. Research on strategic management implemented after experiencing losses is very interesting and very important to do. This research uses a qualitative approach. The research results show that in the last two years the strategic management implemented has focused on efforts to restore the trust of the community as customers, the Regional Government as owners, and company employees as implementers. This is carried out simultaneously through: strategies for improving the quality, quantity and continuity of services, increasing service coverage, and realizing Full Cost Recovery, as well as increasing more professional human resources.

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