
The publication presents an analysis of management specialist development problems arising in today’s situation. Special attention is paid to management specialist development under conditions of globalisation, knowledge society development, European integration and the European Union enlargement. The publication provides an in-depth analysis of management specialists’ development principles and practical experiences in the area of management specialist development. The absence of well-founded general principles of management specialist training as well as special principles of business and public management specialist development remains an important research problem. The absence of integrated and individualized university studies and no practical realization of the lifelong learning principle in the area of management specialist development remain an important practical problem. The aim of the publication is to formulate and ground the main principles of management specialist development as well as to describe an original management specialist development model based on the implementation of the idea of lifelong learning. Topicality of this scientific problem is conditioned by the necessity to perceive management specialist development as a system, further development of which could have a direct and positive impact on social, economic and technological progress adequate to possibilities provided by globalisation, development of international cooperation and dissemination of ideas of information society. Furthermore, the modern world is witnessing a rapid formation of multicultural managerial spaces, where priority is given to global economy and international cooperation, and very intensive processes of automatization, robotization and increasing expansion of information technologies that lead to high concentration of intellectual work in managerial activity. Management specialist development systems must have the capacity to react to this situation and to manage those global processes that can be subject to managerial activity. Seeking to improve management specialist development, systematic approach has to be adopted, which would refer to all developmental processes as to one system. That means that management specialist development has to be perceived as a systematic phenomenon and, consequently, the measures applied have to be of systematic character. It is therefore essential to define the concept of management specialist development system. It has to be noted that this concept may be defined in several different ways because of the variety of characteristic features and assessment criteria inherent to management specialist development, which is perceived as a whole complex of certain processes. In view of topical problems of the contemporary society and its development priorities the following definition of the management specialist development system could be considered as universal: management specialist development system is totality of institutions and organizations working together in the same direction and aiming at development and enhancement of the properly qualified management specialists’ potential relevant to the needs raised by growing scientific and technological progress, internationalisation of economic and social development, knowledge society and globalisation processes, and also by priorities of sustainable development, innovativeness, competitiveness and sustained formation of capacities to deal with topical problems.

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