
The current study was conducted in May & June 2021 in Tanglai State Forest which is a Sub-Tropical Chir Pine Forest Type, the key species are: Common Leopard (Pathera pardus), Wild Boar (Sus scrofa), Jackals (Canis aureus), Rhesus Monkey (Macaca Mulatta), Kalij Pheasant (Lophura leucomelanos), Flying Squirrels (Pteromyini). In KPK, Wild Boar is found mostly in the west of Indus around Peshawar, Mardan Bannu, D.I Khan etc. In this paper it is recommended that the presence of Wild Boar and the way they may affect their habitat should be monitored because its population multiplies so fastly having high reproduction potential i.e. reaching sexual maturity as early as six (06) months of age, therefore, it is required to be managed in the habitats, the aim of such control should be to bring Wild Boar population into balance on particularly sensitive sites or in response to disease control. Moreover, this work is also aimed to suggest wild boar management to the authorized department, these approaches of management will be profitable to mitigate its adverse damages to the agricultural crops, forest crops, human beings, livestock i.e. wildlife conflicts.

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