
At the root of success in the tough competition, characterized by many unknowns which affect the way of business is conducted, is the quality of management. The universality of management is an undeniable reality, and its importance is all the more obvious as organizations become more complex. This study focuses on some of the most important variables that condition the quality of management. The variables are multiple, but the most important ones refer to the quality of human resources, which is reflected in personal skills and qualities, and the quality of decisions made within the management activity. The quality of the information is added to them, since they represent the "raw material" of the foundation, adoption and operationalization and follow-up of managerial decisions. Moreover, doing effective business today involves providing the right information at the right time to the right people. Also particular importance are the quality of the managerial tools used and last, but not least, the quality of the procedural and structural organization. Improving the quality of management implies, on the one hand, attracting and keeping talented and competent employees in the company, it being known that performance is an exclusive result of the quality of the human factor. On the other hand, the decision-making system in the management of the organization needs a priority treatment, given the importance of the decision which remains the biggest source of business risk. Regarding the managerial tools, it is recommended to promote modern management systems, methods and techniques adapted to the needs of each organization, but also to the managerial functions for which they are used. Fundamental importance are here: decision-making decentralization, avoiding high specialization at the job level that generates routine and reducing the extent to which organizations are based on strict rules.

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