
The chemical control of groundnut white grubs, Holotrichia serrata F. and H. reynaudi Blanchard (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), was studied in south-central India. Microplot trials demonstrated that chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid seed-dressings were effective against H. serrata at rates as low as 0.6 and 3.5 g a.i./kg, respectively, while microplot and on-farm trials showed that 1.2 and 3.5 g a.i./kg of chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid, respectively, were required for H. reynaudi. Chlorpyrifos residue analyses indicated that at 20 days after sowing (d.a.s.) rates up to 5.0 g a.i./kg produced residues in soil and groundnut seedlings markedly below the relevant MRL, and no detectable residues at harvest under the southern Indian rainy-season environment. A farmer survey found that in Andhra Pradesh (AP), insecticides (chlorpyrifos and phorate) were applied for white grub control in 37.5% of farms sampled, while no insecticides were applied for this purpose in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The white grub density on farms in AP where insecticide had been applied averaged 0.07 larvae/m2, compared to 1.04 larvae/m2 in the remaining AP farms. In AP, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, 70, 42 and 39% of currently untreated groundnut fields, respectively, exceed the provisional economic threshold. A survey in the Anantapur district of AP found that farmer's target and achieved rates for seed treatment averaged 0.44 and 0.52 g a.i./kg, both below optimal rates determined in microplot experiments. These data provide the foundation for an effective and sustainable program of management for groundnut white grubs in south-central India by providing key efficacy data and baseline data on farmer insecticide-use patterns.

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