
Vipadika (Palmo plantar Psoriasis) is a Kshudra Kushta (minor skin disorder) of Vatakapha origin(body humors like vata and kapha) characterized by Sphutana (cracks) and Teevra Vedana (severe pain) in Pani (palm) and Pada (sole). Based on the symptoms it can be correlated to Palmo Plantar Psoriasis which is a variant of psoriasis which affects the skin of the palms and soles with the features of hyperkeratotic, pustular, or mixed morphologies. The treatment methods for Palmo plantor psoriasis causes severe side effects due to which an evident shift from modern treatments to ayurvedic treatment line. A 15 year old, female, with complaint of cracks and dryness over sole of both feet with pain for the last 12 and half years. The case was managed with Padanimajjana (immersion of foot). Padanimajjana is a modified form of Avagaha Sweda (switz bath) where the affected part of the foot is dipped in medicated liquid. Here Mahisha Gritha (Buffaloe ghee) is used for Padanimajjana. Mahisha Gritha Padanimajjana shows significant improvement in number of cracks, dryness and pain within short period of time. This is a very simple, economical, and effective treatment for Vipadika.

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