
This study assessed in situ stabilization combined with phytoexclusion in practical application on agricultural land contaminated strongly, and spatially heterogeneous, with metals (Cd, Pb, and Zn) and As. Single and combined lime marl and phosphate treatments were consecutively planted with two cultivars each of rape, wheat, and barley differing in trace elements (TE) accumulation. The effects on soil acidity, NH4NO3-soluble, and straw and grain TE concentrations were evaluated. The combined fertilizer treatment most effectively reduced metals mobility, but neither amendment mitigated plant TE status, which correlated more with pseudo-total than NH4NO3-soluble TE in soil. The cultivar choice reduced grain Cd by 39 or 21% in barley or wheat, respectively, simultaneously decreased grain Zn, but conversely affected As uptake in wheat grains. The lack of correlations between grain TE concentrations suggests the potential for breeding cultivars with low Cd and As accumulation without causing Zn malnutrition. The cereals had relatively low yields, particularly on highly polluted areas, and only rape and barley grains unexceptionally suited for animal consumption. Agricultural measures and climatic conditions influenced TE mobility. The cultivars’ TE uptake varied less than in greenhouse studies, stressing the importance of field studies for an adequate estimation of phytoexclusion potentials.

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