
Approaches providing the positioning of human amniotic membrane (HAM) within the intra-articular space of arthritic TMJs have never been investigated. This contrasts with the increasing amount of evidence suggesting the potential positive effects of HAM on a number of surgical conditions, even included the interpositional arthroplasty for TMJ ankylosis. Thus, the possible usefulness of HAM to restore joint functions in severely damaged TMJs could be hypothesized.Based on these premises, the clinical research question “Is human amniotic membrane positioning effective to reduce symptoms and restore jaw function in patients with severe inflammatory-degenerative disorders of the temporomandibular joint?” has been addressed by performing a systematic review of the literature. Out of potential 11988 and 8883 citations in the PubMed and Scopus databases, respectively, only five were of possible interest for inclusion in the review, but none of them addressed specifically the clinical research question.Thus, the hypothetical background for usefulness was discussed. The benefits of HAM positioning in TMJs with severe inflammatory-degenerative disorders could be related with its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial and analgesic properties as well as its low immunogenicity. Studies in which HAM is positioned within the joint space of patients with severe TMJ degeneration, either as a disc-replacing film during major surgeries for discectomy and arthroplasty or as an injectable solution that can be needle-inserted after an arthrocentesis procedure, should be designed to test the hypothesis.

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