
Tardive dyskinesia is now widely recognised as a neurological side effect produced in susceptible individuals by ingestion of neuroleptics. In general, the disorder tends to be late in onset, but has also been reported in a small number of individuals who have received neuroleptics for only brief periods. Much effort has been spent searching for predisposing factors, but the only consistent findings are that subjects are usually elderly (and elderly females in particular), in addition to having been exposed to neuroleptic agents. More recently, the increased finding of the presence of buccolingual facial movements in elderly populations never exposed to neuroleptics may bring out a re-evaluation of the role of these agents in the aetiology of tardive dyskinesia. Although much information on tardive dyskinesia has accrued in recent years, the precise definition, subtypes and pathophysiology remain unclear. With the development and availability of standardised rating scales, the clinical description of tardive dyskinesia has expanded from the initial buccolingual masticatory syndrome to include various abnormal movements of the fingers, arms, legs etc. Efforts have been made to distinguish withdrawal tardive dyskinesia from persistent tardive dyskinesia, but, irrespective of the classification, the disorder is in many instances reversible. However, it is impossible at present to predict the reversibility of each patient: therefore early detection of tardive dyskinesia remains an important clinical goal. Pharmacological treatments are based on the currently accepted hypothesis of dopamine receptor hypersensitivity. Selective dopamine blockers (D2) which suppress tardive dyskinesia without causing an increase in Parkinsonian symptoms are at various stages of development. Acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) also appear to play a reciprocal role with dopamine as seen by moderate success using cholinergics and 'GABAergics'. However, there is no completely satisfactory treatment at present, indicating that prevention must be the primary aim. Above all, clinicians should carefully evaluate the indication for neuroleptic drugs, and avoid their use in conditions which may be treated with more benign drugs. A strategy for management of tardive dyskinesia is presented, and indications for withdrawing or continuing neuroleptics, the treatment of withdrawal dyskinesias and the role of experimental therapies are discussed.

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