
Shwasa is a chronic condition that developed as a result of Pranavaha sroto dushti, here the shwasa roga is developed due to two types of srodo dushti i.e. sangha (Due to kapha avarodha) and vimarga gamana (of the udana vata). Asthma is a condition that affects the quality of life of an individual. Especially this condition aggravates and worsens in the cold season. Depending on the sign and symptoms Shwasa roga can be compared with Asthma. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the airway of lungs and leads to narrowing of air passage, it is an episodic disease manifested clinically by paroxysms of dyspnoea, tightness of chest along with wheezing sound and coughing usually more at night or early morning. Asthma rapidly increasing in India due to pollution, Among India’s 1.31 billion people, about 6% of children and 2% of adults are suffering from asthma.[1] Tamaka shwasa is one among the Shwasaroga and it is predominantly Vatakaphajavyadhi. This disease is maintainable by giving proper medication like shodhana (Vmana, Virechana, etc...) and shamana chikitsa (Swasa kutara rasa, swasamrita etc...), if the proper treatment is not given to the patient is proper time, then this condition gets worse and become life-threatening. So, the following case study is explaining about the management of Swasa roga of 8 years history with Ayurvedic medications. Keywords: Tamaka Shwasa, Deppana, Paachana, Shodhana, Shamana.

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