
This article describes the management of Islamic boarding school students in the context of School Based Management (SBM). This study uses a qualitative research approach with a single case study method. Daarul Rahman Islamic Boarding School was chosen as a place of research because it is the oldest Islamic boarding school in Jakarta. This research data collection technique uses observation, interviews and documentation studies. Interviews were conducted with the Boarding School Board of Trustees, Principals, Teachers, students and graduated. The research procedure used in this study consists of several steps of research with case study methods namely research planning, research data collection, research data analysis, and making research reports. The analysis of research is done through pairing patterns. Testing the validity of the data through triangulation of data sources and triangulation of techniques. The results showed: student management in terms of acceptance, learning process, and evaluation of learning as well as graduated ties that helped in organizing education. Islamic boarding schools applied the principles of SBM namely partnership, openness, participation, independence and accountability.

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