
Bhagandara is a well known ailment due to its high recurrence rate and complexity in management. Sambukavarta Bhagandara classifies it as an Asadhyaya ailment and describes it as a Tridoshaj Bhagandara. In present terminology, it is a synonym for Fistula in Ano. Here, the authors present a 45-year-old female with an anal fistula who had never received therapy or undergone surgery. In her case, an innovative technique called ‘Interception of Fistulous Tract with Application of Ksharsutra (IFTAK)’ was used for the Ksharasutra application. Five mL of Chandanbalalakshadi Tail Basti was administered every day. The patient was completely cured four to six weeks after the procedure. In situations with a horseshoe-shaped anal fistula, Ksharasutra therapy utilising the Windows (IFTAK) technique is exceptionally successful, resulting in less scar development, a shorter hospital stay, allowing patients to return to work sooner, causing fewer complications following surgery, and reducing the risk of recurrence.

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