
Background: Episiotomy describes an incision made on the perineum to widen the vaginal orifice so as to aid delivery of the baby. Though not routinely recommended, it is a common during delivery. Despite the intended positive outcomes, complications like sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, chronic pelvic pain, perineal infection do occur following it. When sexual dysfunction occurs as sequelae as a result of poor episiotomy repair technique or poor healing, it can affect sexual intercourse and lead to marital disharmony especially in societies that tend to lean towards patriarchy Case presentation: A 31-year-old Nigerian multiparous lady with three living children presented on account of complaints of lax introitus and lack of sexual satisfaction by the partner. She had poorly healed bilateral episiotomy scar following her last delivery. She has been practicing Kegel’s exercise with no improvement. There was associated threat to their relationship by her partner. Perineolasty and vaginoplasty was done. She had successful recovery and improvement in the quality of sex. Conclusion: This is a rare case of a woman in our clime visiting the clinic to request for perineal reconstruction following complaints by her partner and threat to their relationship. Obstetricians should pay attention to any complaint or worry following episiotomy and offer appropriate care to meet the sexuality needs of the parous following childbirth. Keywords: episiotomy; Kegel’s exercise; perineoplasty; vaginoplasty.

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