
Abstract We present the case of a 42-year-old female patient, known with the diagnosis of severe persistent l asthma stage 3 Gina since 2012, for which she is on treatment with Formoterol/Budesonid (Symbicort) 160mcg/4.5 mcg 1 puff/12 h, inhaler, daily and Salbutamol (Ventolin) 100 mcg, 2 puffs as needed, maximum 6 puffs/24 h, inhaler, who is being treated for exacerbation of respiratory symptoms. It is important to mention the onset of asthma - at the age of 1 year, with rapidly progressive evolution towards the severe stage and association of multiple pulmonary complications. In order to determine the evolutionary stage of the disease and the therapeutic management, spirometry, DLCO examination and native thoraco-pulmonary CT was performed, the patient presenting an important atopic field: multiallergy-environmental factors and iodine. After the establishment of the therapeutic step and the degree of severity, a complex, multimodal treatment was initiated, with a relatively good evolution and prognosis, provided the patient's compliance.

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