
The article studies problems of managing scientific, technical and technological development in accordance with requirements of the market and society. This study develops the previously expressed idea of the interrelated progressive development of science and technology. The subject of this study is determined by scientific and technical progress as a complex category. The authors single out the basics that characterize such phenomenon as scientific and technical progress. The authors point to the close relationship of the STP and the improvement of the productive forces. Moreover, not only interrelation, but also interdependence, since scientific and technological progress today is the main prerequisite for their development. In conducting the study, the authors proceeded from the assumption that the laws governing the development of technology should be considered from the point of view of changing the structure of the needs of society. The authors substantiate the idea that today it is impossible to separate the progressive development of social production from the materialization of scientific and technical achievements in it. Results presented in the article can be used in the development of forecasts of scientific and technological development. Main provisions of the article can be claimed for purposes of further theoretical and methodological substantiation and practical research on problems of scientific and technological development. The authors discuss about the fact that the mechanism of management of scientific and technological progress, modern innovation processes will be effective if it is based on the system interaction of the factors described in the article.

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