
There are a large variety and quite abundant types of small pelagic fish that have high economic value in the Sulawesi Sea. One of which is the blue scad fish or commonly known as malalugis (Decapterus macarellus). This study aims to analyze and determine the status of scad fisheries management and to develop recommendations in the management of scad fisheries in the waters of Sulawesi Sea, North Sulawesi Province. The evaluation of fishery management status is carried out using multi-criteria analysis (MCA) through the development of composite index of each indicator of Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM). The results showed that, in general, the status of scad fisheries management in North Sulawesi Province, was in ‘good’ category, specifically reviewed from the domain of fish resources fall into the category of “medium”, habitat and ecosystem “good”, fishing techniques “good”, economy “not good”, social “medium” and institutional “good”. Management actions take precedence over domains that have “poor” indicator values. Priority management action is implemented in the economic domain, followed by the domain of fish resources, social, institutional and fishing techniques.Indonesian title: Pengelolaan perikanan ikan layang (Decapterus spp.) di perairan Laut Sulawesi, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, menggunakan EAFM


  • Pengelolaan perikanan merupakan suatu kewajiban; hal ini telah diamanatkan melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 31, Tahun 2004, yang ditegaskan kembali pada Undang-Undang Nomor 45, Tahun 2009

  • This study aims to analyze and determine the status of scad fisheries management and to develop recommendations in the management of scad fisheries in the waters of Sulawesi Sea, North Sulawesi Province

  • The results showed that, in general, the status of scad fisheries management in North Sulawesi Province, was in ‘good’ category, specifically reviewed from the domain of fish resources fall into the category of “medium”, habitat and ecosystem “good”, fishing techniques “good”, economy “not good”, social “medium” and institutional “good”

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Pengumpulan Data Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara menggunakan kuesioner, survei langsung, dan studi literatur. Data time series untuk 5 (lima) tahun produksi perikanan dan data survei wawancara nelayan tradisional digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Jumlah sampel responden ditentukan berdasarkan panduan Pinello et al (2017), yaitu sebanyak 25% dari jumlah populasi. Dipilih seorang ahli yang diasumsikan memiliki informasi kunci terkait kegiatan penangkapan ikan. Responden lainnya ditentukan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, yang berasal dari berbagai pihak terkait, yaitu Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan (DKP) Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera (PPS) Bitung, PPP Tumumpa, Pangkalan Pengawasan Sumber daya Perikanan dan Kelautan (PSDKP), DKP Kota Bitung, Syabandar Perikanan Kota Bitung, Penyuluh Perikanan Kota Bitung, Akademisi, dan Lembaga Swadaya masyarakat (LSM) terkait. Ekosistem, penangkapan ikan, sosial, ekonomi, dan kelembagaan. Selanjutnya, penilaian status pengelolaan perikanan layang dilakukan menggunakan modul indikator EAFM

Analisis Data
Tahun Upaya Produksi
Deskripsi Sedang
Saving Ratio
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