
Apple is attached by number of insect pests, among them San Jose Scale (Quadraspidiotus perniciosus) is key pests. San Jose scale (SJS) attacks temperate fruit crop in the state of J&K. It sucks sap from, twigs, branches, and fruits, weakens the plant and the fruits having scale infestation is rendered unthrifty and unmarketable. The pest causes great loses to apple in quantity and quality and debilities apple tree by vigour and health. The objective of this study was to examine efficacy of HMOs as dormant sprays at different concentrations to manage San Jose scale (Quadraspidiotus perniciosus Comstock) and two insecticides viz Chlorpyriphose 25EC and Dimethoate 30Ec at different concentrations were checked for their bio-efficacy in same orchard in late spring during 2021-22. On the basis of pooled data for years for revealed that highest cumulative mean mortality (79.48%) was recorded with the application of Bal spray at concentration of 2.5% followed by 77.56%. mortality of SJS @ 2.5% concentration by HP oil. Chlorpyriphose recorded 71.98% pooled mean mortality at 0.03 5 concentration.

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