
Rectal Prolapse is a condition where the rectum protrudes beyond the anus. The explanation of this condition can be traced back to ancient Ayurveda text like Susruta Samhita, Ebers Pappyrus of 1500 B.C., etc. The exact cause of rectal prolapse is unclear but it is predominant on female gender and on people having constipation, previous anorectal surgeries etc. Both partial and complete varieties of rectal prolapse are extremely debilitating because of the discomfort of the prolapsing mass and variety of symptoms like rectal bleed, intermittent constipation or fecal incontinence. Although, diverse modalities of surgical management of rectal prolapse are present, no single optimal procedure is proved and the choice of operation is determined by the patient's age, sex, degree of incontinence, operative risk, as well as by the surgeon's experience. In Ayurveda, Guda Bhramsa (Rectal prolapse) is explained by Acharya Susruta under Kshudra Rogas (chapter of minor diseases) and has elaborated it's conservative management very beautifully. In this case, a female with partial rectal prolapse was treated with Kshara application and managed without complications. So, Kshara application can be a safe and effective alternative for the management of rectal prolapse.

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