
The scenario of systemic therapy for prostate cancer is rapidly evolving, with new drugs and new treatment options. To update the background knowledge of shared uro-oncologic practice, we reviewed current statements and landmarks in systemic therapy. A number of new agents are under investigation in non-metastatic and metastatic disease. Similarly, new target imaging technologies are under development to improve the detection rate of true non-metastatic and true metastatic patient. Five new drugs have shown to be effective on progression-free and overall survival in metastatìc prostate cancer. However, the optimal sequencing of these treatments requires further investigation. The tolerability and side effects of the new drugs are also crucial issues to be discussed, as well as their activity against the disease. The uro-oncologic team has to stay updated about new medical therapies in order to be confident in debating with other professionals involved in prostate cancer decision making. Different points of view and nuances should be shared during multidisciplinary group discussions to achieve a balanced decision in disease management.

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