
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition caused due to rapid over-production of new skin cells resulting in scaling. Inflammation and redness around the scales are common. Among all types of psoriasis, plaque psoriasis makes up 90% of cases. Its contemporary treatment has some limitations thus affecting quality of life of patients. In this report, the management of a diagnosed case of plaque psoriasis is presented. The patient was treated through Ayurvedic multimodal approach using Shamana chikitsa (~pacifying therapy) including oral administration of decoctions, medicated ghee and external application of medicated coconut oil processed in presence of leaves of Shweta kutaja (Wrightia tinctoria Roxb.), Eranda taila (~castor oil) and Dadhi (~curd). Although Shodhana is treatment of choice in Kushta (~skin diseases) considering age factor of the patient, Shamana chikitsa was planned. Significant relief was noticed with no relapses until after six months of follow-up inferred efficacy of Ayurvedic protocol in the management of such autoimmune disorders.

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