
Intercropping groundnut with sorghum at a 3:1 ration has given lower AUDPC (1018) with a mean pod yield of 1868 kg/ha, and was found significant in reducing the PBND (34.2%) compared to sole groundnut (AUDPC of 1545 mean pod yield of 1407 kg/ha, 52% PBND). In groundnut intercropped with pulses, groundnut + redgram (5:1) was found to be effective in reducing PBND to an extent of 10% and recorded higher equivalent pod yield of 2236 kg/ha with 1014 AUDPC compared to sole groundnut (AUDPC 1078, 63.44% PBND; mean pod yield of 1663 kg/ha). The higher incidence of PBND was recorded in the treatments involving greengram, blackgram and soybean and it was also reflected in realising higher values of AUDPC.

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