
Pariplutayonivyapad is a disorder of the female genital tract due to vitiation of vata and pitta dosha. It is a disease of a reproductive age group. Symptoms of pariplutayonivyapad are much similar to pelvic inflammatory disease. Infection and inflammation of the upper genital tract, termed as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), may be complicated by infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and chronic pelvic infection. Pelvic inflammatory disease is characterized by fever, dysparunia, abnormal vaginal discharge, burning, and painful micturition. PID can be effectively treated with ayurveda by using internal medicines and local therapy like yonipichu and matrabasti. Here we present a case of 38 year-old lady with chronic PID diagnosed as pariplutayonivyapad. The patient was treated with the basic principles of treatment along with local therapy. The patient got satisfactory result with ayurveda treatment without use of antimicrobial therapy.

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