
Introduction:Ayurveda considers, Padadari (cracked feet) as disease condition, under Kshudra Kushtha (minor diseases of skin). Cracked feet also known as heel fissures is a common foot problem characterized by yellowish color of the skin on the heel of the foot, hard skin growth, hardening and cracks in the feet associated with pain, bleeding or itching. Vaidya Manorama, Ayurvedic compendia, recommended Snuhi oil as a remedy for Padadari. An open-labeled clinical trial has been conducted to evaluate the effect of Rakta Snuhi-based formulation in Padadari.Materials and Methods:Snuhi oil was prepared by mixing Saindhava Lavana (Rock salt) 24 g; 300 ml latex of Rakta Snuhi (Euphorbia caducifolia); 4.8 l. of water, Sarshapa Taila (mustard oil) 1.2 l. and further heating of oil, following classical guidelines of Sneha Kalpana. For better acceptability, the medicated oil was then gradually mixed with “Aerosil,” a thickener, for converting the mixture into gel form. Twenty-six patients, diagnosed with Padadari, were treated by applying 3 g (or as per requirement) of Rakta Snuhi Ksheera gel twice daily for 21 consecutive days.Results:Response to the treatment was recorded on a weekly basis and therapeutic effect was evaluated through symptomatic relief.Conclusion:The study yielded statistically highly significant results in symptoms such as cracks associated with pain (P < 0.001), Rukshata (dryness) (P < 0.001) and Kandu (itching) (P < 0.001).

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