
Objective To explore the perioperative management and infection prevention methods for acute eye diseases during the outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Methods Since the COVID-19 was included in the Class B infectious diseases and was managed according to Class A infectious diseases in China, 127 patients who underwent ophthalmic surgery were enrolled at First Affiliated Hospital of Army Military Medical University from January 21 to February 19,2020. The perioperative management according to the national epidemic prevention and control requirements was summarized, and the perioperative clinical management that should be taken during the epidemic prevention period were discussed. Results One hundred and twenty-seven patients underwent ophthalmic surgeries, including emergency surgery, daytime surgery and other surgeries for sight-threatening diseases. The methods of anesthesia included general anesthesia, local anesthesia and ocular superficial anesthesia. According to the national epidemic prevention and control requirements, epidemic screening for these patients and infectious managing measures were performed during the perioperative period, including the sterilization of relevant environment and equipments, the personal medical prevention and protection for medical staffs and patients, which made surealltheoperationswent smoothlyand safely. There were no 2019-nCoV infection, surgical-relative infection, crossing infection and operation-related complications occurred. Meanwhile, there were not COVID-19-related infection events of medical staffs. The air sampling compliance rate in the operating room, ward, examination and other areas was 100%. Conclusions During the prevention and control period of the epidemic of COVID-19, strict adherence to the prevention and control measures can effectively ensure the smooth implementation of the operation and the perioperative safety of medical staff and patients. Key words: Corona virus disease-19; Eye diseases/surgery; Infectious management; Perioperative period; Opthalmology

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